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About Us

After excitedly returning from UK high street stores with toys for our chins, we were sad to see that they were clearly underwhelmed by them.  The chew toys are often overly painted, boring textures, not shaped right, or made from materials that are unsafe for chinchillas (corn husk, toxic woods, or unspecified components).  After much research, we began making our own toys, which were enthusiastically accepted by our resident chins.  And 'lo Chirping Chins was born! 

Chirping Chins began as a small online shop in Manchester, UK, but we relocated to Philadelphia in the US in 2019.  We have sent orders around the world to chins in the UK, Canada, Singapore, Israel, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Romania, Ireland, Hong Kong, Slovakia, Russia, Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Finland, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Croatia, Denmark, and Mexico among others! We want chins around the world to have access to safe toys and treats.​We drill, cut, sew, and assemble in the hopes that the end results cause chinchillas everywhere to popcorn with happiness.  All work is done under the watchful eye of our little chin boy who supervises closely to ensure that A) he gets to trial all prototypes, and that B) everything is up to his high chinchilla-standards. ​ 

Chirping Chins' toys and fleece accessories are lovingly made by hand.  We do our best to make sure that all seams are hidden in the fleece items, and that the toys are in the best possible condition before they are sent.  However, we do recommend that as a responsible pet owner if you see any large nibbles taken out of any of the fleece products, you remove them, and that if you see your pet has chewed away at a toy leaving a sharp pointy surface, you file it down/snap it off.  Please be proactive in checking your pet's accessories and toys often.  Since all fleece items and toys are made by hand, the measurements may vary slightly from those stated on the website.  Chirping Chins wants you to be completely happy with your purchase, so if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch!

Happy Chirping!