By all means *avoid* Vitakraft's Drops with Dandelion "Chinchilla Treats" (loaded with sugar!) and opt for a small pinch of natural dandelion leaves instead. Your chinchilla's tummy and teeth will thank you. You could also mix with a bit of dandelion root which seems to be a firm chinchilla favorite.
Chinchillas have sensitive digestive tracts and thrive on a plain diet of high-quality loose timothy hay and a high-quality pellet. But if you’re looking to vary their diet a little bit, the treats offered here are good options. It is best to avoid treats that are high in sugar or fat. Many of the treats offered at high street pet stores are unsuitable for chinchillas as they are held together by sugar or have nuts or seeds, which are high in fat and no good for chinchillas.
As with all treats, these should be given *sparingly*. We recommend breaking a treat up into smaller pieces and giving your chin a little at a time (especially when introducing it to them). They honestly will not mind the small portions, and it will help you bond! Chins younger than 6 months old should not be given treats. Get them chew toys instead or hand feed them strands of hay or their usual pellets – they'll think they're special since they're coming from you!