Autumn is the perfect time for a chinnie snuggle. Pick either squirrel or hedgehog for your to chin to rest their chin on ... or to throw around! These pillows are entirely made of and stuffed with anti-pill fleece! They feature either an adorable squirrel or hedgehog on one side and a solid cream on the reverse.
The large squirrel Chin Rest pillow measures approximately 9 by 8 inches.
The large hedgehog Chin Rest pillow measures approximately 8 by 6 inches.
N.B. The pillows are much bigger than the pillows pictured with our chins here!
Sometimes chins need a place to rest their weary chins. And if their roommate is not currently up for acting the part of the pillow (or they’re a single chin), then a Chin Rest is the next best thing! Our chin snuggles on these pillows daily so we thought other chins might enjoy them too. They’re made of anti-pill fleece and carefully hand finished to hide seams and stitches. They're also stuffed with fleece scraps.
Care instructions: We recommend that fleece products are washed at 30 degrees Celsius (cold wash). Chins have sensitive noses, so we use white vinegar instead of laundry detergent. Fleece dries quickly, so air drying is best. We also recommend using a lint roller on your fleece products to take up any excess chinchilla fur. This will help keep their pillows or hammocks fresh in between washings.
N.B. Most chinchillas don’t get much joy out of chewing fleece. It doesn’t fray as other fabrics do. They might try a few test nibbles, but then they’ll give up and find something else (safe!) to chew. However, if your chinchilla is a Fleece Chewer then for their safety and your own peace of mind please remove all fleece products. Please do check your fleece products often for any signs of chewing.